Author, Pharmacist, Speaker, Motivator, Durango, USA

If I had to pick one word to describe Ms. Cyrina Bullard, it would be tenacious. First off, there is a story of a sheer survival, finding herself on a death bed, Ms. Bullard turned perseverance into an even stronger hold on life. Another WOW Woman introduced us like this: “Cyrina is my superhero! You will never meet anyone in your life more resilient than her. She was in a near fatal accident and was airlifted to a hospital with a severe brain injury. The doctors warned that if she lived, she would likely never live an independent life again. Unconscious for a week, unable to speak for over two weeks, memory loss for several months. Look at her now”.

Ms. Bullard reminds me every day that mind can really preside over matter. In these uncertain times, in the midst of a pandemic, fighting a battle, standing up for a cause, taking a shot on goal may make a difference between depression and survival, bringing about elevation over stagnation.

It was a pleasure to meet and become friendly with Cyrina. She is a great sport, unafraid to poke fun at herself, laugh, and share stories. She asks for what she wants (in photo arrangements, feature release timing updates, catch up calls); all in all one tenacious woman.

1. Name.

Cyrina Jade Bullard

2. Where is your hometown? 

DeLand, Florida.

3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? What does your average day look like?

A shift has occurred in my life. I was a Pharmacist for 20+ years. After experiencing two brain injuries, a pivot occurred. I was inspired to create a wellness program, became a keynote speaker, authored an Amazon best-selling book and decided to travel more. I am on a mission to empower people to know they have Purpose, Passion and endless Possibilities!

I usually begin my day with mediation and exercise. I am in front of my computer working many hours a day, therefore I prioritize exploring nature in my day as well.

4. What did you study in school?

I received my Pharm D. Degree from University of Florida. Having the Pharm D. created a great foundation for me to focus on and have a keen eye for the science behind the certifications I have received. I am a Certified HeartMath® Trainer and Coach, Certified by Berkeley in the Science of Happiness, Certified by Yale in the Science of Well-Being, Certified Life Mastery Consultant by Brave Thinking Institute.

I love the science I learned throughout my training, looking at the person as a whole. It fascinates me to learn about the interconnectedness in our world and how our physiology is affected by our environment. Our thoughts and actions have an impact on our health, as explained through epigenetics and how this a huge factor in the expression of our genes and our health.

5. What was the journey like to get where you are (in life and career-wise)? Write about some of the achievements that you are most proud of. What was the breakthrough moment for you (in your personal life and/or career?) that set you on the current path in life?

This life has been an interesting journey that has had many shifts, unexpected opportunities and challenges for growth and expansion. I have had to recreate myself, although I feel like this has been a great process. I am excited and open to being in flow and following my heart to hopefully help the world be a better place. I am proud to have had a career as a Pharmacist, which allowed me to create great connections and help my patients with their health and well-being. That career allowed me to be independent and to see the world. In fact I was fortunate enough to travel twice around the world and was able to meet incredible people along the way.

I just launched a book. In it I am very vulnerable with the hope to inspire people to nourish the strength that is inside them, despite doubts and insecurities that arise. I am thankful for all the incredible relationships in my life as they helped propel me through the third brush with death and I was able to surpass any expectations of the medical world.

The breakthrough moment for me occurred after my biking accident and feeling of longing to live an independent life, not limited by the circumstances or prognosis. My friend and colleague Liz Rutledge and I have created a course in which we want to empower people to move past obstacles and shine. It is called Sustainable Happiness Together, ( We aim to encourage people to invest in themselves and mindfully catch happiness and overall well-being on their path.

6. How is your life different from what you pictured at 20?

There are many things that are different from what I had envisioned 20+ years ago. I thought I would be married, have children, work as a pharmacist, and travel the world. I am 49 years young and, up until now, I have not been married, do not have children, am in fact a Pharmacist. I have had to recreate myself because of two head injuries which was challenging. Of course the current state of the world and the COVID restrictions do not allow for easy travel or exploring. With that said, I live an amazing life! The picture of my life would definitely have been different if I was married with children, but I deem my life beautiful, and the magical moments continue to unfold.

7. Was there a time when life knocked you down or out and how did you get back up on your feet?

In May of 2010, I had a bicycle accident and was Flight For Life (emergency medical helicopter transport) airlifted from Vail, Colorado to a hospital in Denver. I was in a coma for 18 days, in the hospital for two-and-a-half months, and out of work for nine-and-a-half months.

Initially the team of doctors were not sure if I would survive the traumatic brain injury and a spinal cord Injury. If I did, they warned me that most likely my mother would have to take care of me for the rest of my life. Lots of rehabilitation, love, support and an incredibly resilient mindset were key to my exponential recovery. My doctors were amazed by my transformation. I was able to go back to work after nine-and-a-half months as a pharmacist. Then five years later, I had another head injury, secondary to a box falling on my head at work. I have suffered from daily headaches and memory issues ever since. Morally I cannot practice pharmacy right now. This was a huge obstacle and a cause for reinvention.

During this pivot point in my life I started a business called Catch Happiness LLC and wrote my first book: C3 Creating Conscious Connections, now a best seller on Amazon. My aspiration is that both Catch Happiness and my book will inspire others to be resilient in their lives and believe that they can move through challenging times!

8. Advice for other women?

I want each and every woman to know that she has purpose, passion, and endless possibilities; to believe that the power inside her is stronger than any circumstance, situation, or challenge. My desire is to empower people to live a life of design, not one of default! I encourage living with expansion, not allowing for contraction or dis-empowering thoughts, and optimizing this gift of life.

9. Knowing what we know now in a current political climate, can women be "all that we can be" in today's world? What is the way forward, as you see it, for "feminist values"?

There is a dire need for a shift and change to occur in our political climate. I am excited about the future and the incorporation of more women in powerful roles to bring equality to our world.

10. Where in the world do you feel “tallest” (i.e. where is your happy place)?

Nature is a place where I feel most expansive. I feel empowered, present and connected with natural beauty around me.

11. What extra-curricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why?

Volunteering for a local women’s shelter and sharing resilience tools. I am passionate about travel and love exploring new places. I also enjoy hiking in the mountains as well as skiing, being in nature in general. These activities make me feel empowered, as an active participant in my life!

12. What do you want to be when you grow up? Future goals/challenges?

I have many desires and goals to achieve. I aspire to speak around the world and share the insights from my journey to empower people to live their best life.

13. What fears are you still hoping to overcome?

A fear of being alone. I have an amazing family and friends, although everyone gets busy and has their own life. I am in a new relationship with a wonderful man and I am excited to see where this relationship will lead.

14. Anything you'd do differently if you had another go at life?

If I had to choose one thing, it would have to be developing my public speaking abilities an earlier age. Otherwise, a slightest change and deviation from the course my life took could have put me on a different path all together. It may be risky to change anything from the past, so no regrets.

15. What inspires you?

I am inspired to learn in general, especially about different cultures and beliefs that exist out there. I crave to understand the human race. Since we all have different perspectives, this inspires me to expand my thoughts and beliefs and motivate people.

16. What are you hopeful about?

That I will feel secure and empowered to live an amazing life without limitations, and help others do the same.

17. What are some ingredients to a good life?

Connections, love, laughter, travel, strong friendships, fun adventure, and being mindfully present.

18. What are (at least) three qualities you most love about yourself and why?

Connector, Worldly, Authentic, Caring, able to be Present and Adventurous! The why is because I love people and feeling connecting on an authentic level while being present is so important. I am passionate about exploring and learning about people and cultures and allowing for serendipity to play a huge role and see where this journey may lead.

19. What advice would you give your 14-year-old self? 

Be true to yourself and don’t worry about what other people think! I spent so many years living in a state of insecurity and worrying what others thought about me. I would encourage my younger self to evolve, grow, and shine.

20. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favorite reads?) 

Currently, I am reading, Limitless – Upgrade your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock your Exceptional Life, by Jim Kwik. I always recommend, The 5 Second Rule – Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage, by Mel Robbins. Also, The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger.

These books are incredible and inspiring to me. From them I learned about inner strength and techniques for moving through challenges with grace. Now the book that I am giving as a gift most is my book, C3 Creating Conscious Connections.

21. Who is a WOW WOMAN in your world who inspires you and why? Can you nominate three (or more) women you know who perfectly fit WOW WOMAN description? What would you tell them, if you had an opportunity, why you admire them? 

There are so many women who inspire me and fit the WOW WOMAN description! I have narrowed it down to three women who are pillars of strength and very inspirational to me.

Jana Shelfer was placed on my path last year and she is such an inspiration! We were both patients at Craig Hospital at different times in our lives. When she was 15, she became paralyzed after a car accident. At that time, she felt like it was absolutely the worst thing that could have happened to her. Thirty years later, she realized that the adversity is where the magic lies. She and her husband Jason are amazing lights in our world and she is living an incredible life.

Jana’s YouTube:;

Jana’s Facebook Page:;

Jana’s website:

My friend and colleague Liz Rutledge of Sustainable Three is another WOW WOMAN in my world! She is dedicated to helping people make the world a better place through mindful activities and habits. She is a wife, a mother of three, and is a teacher. She is inspiring and helps our world be a more sustainable place to live.

Her website is, Instagram: @SustainableThree,

Winning Wellness Experience Course:

My friend, Berni Slowey is a Vietnam War refugee who illustrates transformation from adversity. Through film, speaking, and coaching, she is a professional storyteller who guides people through difficult transitions. As a former corporate executive turned filmmaker, she uses movie-making as a metaphor to empower women to be the director of their lives. Her award-winning documentary, Berni's Journey was the springboard for her coaching and retreats business, Burning Journeys. Berni is also a TEDx speaker. Here is her website to learn more:

22. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)?

Would love to connect!

The website to my business:

My book:

Facebook Catch Happiness Now page:

Instagram Catch Happiness Now page: @catchhappinessnow

Winning Wellness Experience Course: